Wednesday, October 28, 2009


And the week goes on.......
Well, I haven't seen Roger's name in the obituary section, so I guess he is surviving Betty being without caffeine. Heck, it's Betty I feel sorry for - going cafeineless cold turkey is not easy! She and I are drinking buddies from way back - coffee drinking buddies - ya'll stop thinking the worst.

I have ordered some books on prayer, two that are part of a prayer class Jessie and Jo Anna are taking. I will let you know how they seem and we can order more if we want to. Hmm..prayer....kinda reminds me of the Watchman's Prayer Ministry and makes me wonder if anyone is thinking of signing up. Seriously, don't sign up unless God leads you to do so. Whether it is this ministry or something else, remember, God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

Memory verse for this week: Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

I think I have about talked Chuck out of going to the "Bible burning" in North Carolina or Georgia or wherever it is - only because we have "Trunk or Treat" Saturday night. Otherwise, I'm not sure I could convince him not to go. I was suspicious when he asked to borrow my Bible the other day. See - those of you who were in Sunday School this last Sunday know what I am talking about!

Have a great middle of the week! Until later.............

1 comment:

  1. I don't know Betty, but after reading this, I will be praying for her!!! (and Roger!!) Whew, no caffeine, I admire you Betty!
    Watchman Prayer Ministry - My first thoughts were, "not me!", "what would I pray about for an hour?", and " I have seen the sign up sheet and there are no good times left" - but I felt a strong conviction to participate in this at my church, so I finally signed up at what I thought was the unfortunate hour of 4am to 5am on Monday mornings. So I start my work week at 3:45 on Monday mornings (unlike dear Betty, I have to get a cup of coffee to start me off). However, that has turned out to be one of the sweetest hours of my week! I spend the hour, reading some scripture and turning it into prayer, writing out my prayers, lifting my church up in prayer, and praising and worshipping God. I encourage each one of you to take a part in this opportunity to lift your church in prayer. Your church will be so blessed . . . as will you!
