Sunday, November 29, 2009

Where Is Everybody??

It is really good to be home! But where was everybody this morning for Sunday School? Well, not everybody was missing. Betty, Cathy, Barbara, Ronnie W. Janabeth, Chuck and I were there. And we got through 30 verses of Mathew 13! It was a red letter day!

Chuck and I had an awesome trip. The wedding was beautiful and we got to see some awesome sights. One thing that really stood out was seeing some of the ancient temples in Cambodia. Angkor Wat is one that is huge and was built in one of the very early centuries when they did everything by hand. It was built of huge stones and had incredible carvings. The stones that used were floated down the river and then brought in by elephants - at that time the area was all jungle. The carvings of stories and kings and religious symbols were so intricate - and again, all done by hand. It took 30 years and I can't remember how many people to build this. All that work and it was used to worship something the people carved out of stone! It was originally built as a Buddhist temple. At some point when somebody else took over, it was used as a Hindu temple. Then somebody else took over and it went back to being a Buddhist temple. But get it - all that work and trouble and it was to worship something that is not real! There was incense burning in front of several of the Buddha statues we saw in the temple. Cambodia is primarily a Buddhist country so I shouldn't have been surprised. But it really blows my mind. And it made me think about my willingness to serve an incredible living God. Do I complain about having to spend time doing His will? Much to think about.

The poverty in Cambodia was eye opening for me. I have never seen third world poverty. It made me realize I never have reason to complain. The people there are very friendly and all were very nice. That made it seem even harder to reconcile that most of them are idol worshipers. We really need to continue to pray for missionaries and the work they do.

We also experienced something of the other end of the spectrum when were in Bali - where the wedding was held. But that is for another time.

Enough for now. SO glad to be home! Looking forward to seeing the rest of our Sunday School class next Sunday. I even had to make the coffee because Ronnie B. was not there! That's serious!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


And the week goes on.......
Well, I haven't seen Roger's name in the obituary section, so I guess he is surviving Betty being without caffeine. Heck, it's Betty I feel sorry for - going cafeineless cold turkey is not easy! She and I are drinking buddies from way back - coffee drinking buddies - ya'll stop thinking the worst.

I have ordered some books on prayer, two that are part of a prayer class Jessie and Jo Anna are taking. I will let you know how they seem and we can order more if we want to. Hmm..prayer....kinda reminds me of the Watchman's Prayer Ministry and makes me wonder if anyone is thinking of signing up. Seriously, don't sign up unless God leads you to do so. Whether it is this ministry or something else, remember, God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called.

Memory verse for this week: Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

I think I have about talked Chuck out of going to the "Bible burning" in North Carolina or Georgia or wherever it is - only because we have "Trunk or Treat" Saturday night. Otherwise, I'm not sure I could convince him not to go. I was suspicious when he asked to borrow my Bible the other day. See - those of you who were in Sunday School this last Sunday know what I am talking about!

Have a great middle of the week! Until later.............

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Coming Up......

Don't forget we have "Trunk or Treat" next Saturday! Fun times will be had by all.

We missed Cathy, Ronnie W., Dan, Barbara, Michael, Dana, Mark and Janabeth this morning. Of course, we had to wonder if Janabeth was just too upset over the A&M/Tech game to make it! OK, she really told us she would be out of town this weekend. Ronnie B. was sure excited about the game. He was ready to talk about the Aggies this week.

Thanks to Betty for the awesome discussion this morning. I still like the phrase "you brood of vipers". Has a ring to it.

We had two more from the other department sign up for the Watchman Prayer Ministry today. That gives us 6 total. Please pray about whether God would have you become involved in this ministry. Let me know if you feel led to do so. There are still plenty of slots!:)

Remember our prayer requests:

Betty - surgery on Nov. 12
Roger, while Betty has to be off caffeine:)
Cathy - not feeling well
Jason - Freddy and Amanda's baby
Alba (had to go back to the clinic this morning)
Perez family (all five killed in car wreck Friday- (Pray for extended family and friends of children)
Bailey - Debbie's granddaughter - breathing issues
Layne - having Milogram (sp?) on Tuesday
Angie - going to doctor tomorrow - will get date for
Jessie and Drew
Jesse Conner

Hope everyone has a great week! Let's pray for each other!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Christianity is not a theory or speculation, but a life; not a philosophy of life, but a living presence. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Remember our verse for this Sunday is Romans 6:23. I don't think it will take as many of us to collectively remember this one!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Ok - This is a "work in progress" (kinda like us!). I am learning "Voki" so be patient. I will check with my wonderful technology teacher, JoAnna, to see if I have done this right. In the meantime, please comment to let me know if it will play for you.

Just wait til you see the one I plan to create for Chuck................

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Welcome to Salt and Light! This is a place for the Adult II Sunday School Class to connect! Check here for inspiration, prayer requests, information for upcoming classes, events, and a touch of humor now and then!

Be sure and take the opportunity to comment on any and all postings. All comments will be visible to those who choose to partake of Chuck's technological "Holy Grail"! Visit often and help us stay connected through this site.